Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Healthy" Addictions

As our family continues to grow and our commitments continue to increase, I find great pleasure in a little addiction I was introduced to by my sister (in-law). Lately, I have little "cracks" of time that are filled by a couple minutes of word-finding fun named Lexulous. She'd tried to include me in this game before, but I've brushed it off for "lack of time". I am thrilled that I finally spent the $1.99 to purchase this app for my iphone.

When Lucas calls me in the wee hours of the morning it is just enough time to fill in a word. Though the points may be few compared to my sis' cognitive dictionary, I still feel a sense of accomplishment when I am able to find a word in the few spaces that remain. I currently have 9 active games, 4 with my sis, and 1 of which I am hoping my mom will join me in. Either way, I am enjoying filling in the "cracks" of time with this little addiction.

It feels like I am sharing a conversation with someone I love. In a sense, I am. I love you, Patty!

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