Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween is definitely NOT Eli's favorite holiday. It really isn't mine, either, but I do enjoy any time when I can get together with friends and fellowship. I also enjoy pumpkins and all that comes with the joys of fall.

This year, we picked out 2 pumpkins. We stripped Eli down to his diaper, opened up the tops of the pumpkins and expected a "free-for-all"...we were wrong. Eli wouldn't have anything to do with the cold, slimy innards. Although his first pumpkin carving was anything but a success, Geoffrey and I enjoyed the fruits of our labor and yummy oven-roasted seeds.

The night before Halloween, our church family held a Harvest Festival with all sorts of games, prizes and foods. Eli's favorite game was donuts on a string. The object is to race your opponent by eating through the donut tied to a string. The only racing Eli did was back to Ms. Janet to get another donut! He truly enjoyed those yummy treats. After an hour of fun, Eli was ready to go home and sleep off his sugar-high.

On Halloween, we dressed up our little man, passed out candy, and then took Eli down the street to visit a few neighbors and collect candy for Daddy. Eli decided he really didn't like his monkey hood, so he spent quite a bit of time pulling at it. He did enjoy, however, receiving treats and chewing through little bags of M&Ms. All-in-all it was a nice evening. We hope you enjoyed your weekend, too!

1 comment:

Janet said...

He was a very cute little monkey. I'm glad he enjoyed the doughnuts. He was fun to watch trying to eat the doughnut and not the string.